Welcome to Funeral Gurus.
Funeral Gurus started as a website with a focus on video and audio podcasts of funeral industry thought leaders. This site will remain accessible as many of the recordings are entertaining and still useful today. For current services provided by Robin Heppell, visit Funeral Boardroom.
How Robin Heppell can help you today.
His unique knowledge and experience can help your funeral home grow and become more profitable.
A close second to getting more at-need calls is to get more pre-need ones. I will explain how to get more pre-needs while helping your at-needs.
Funeral service is a very rare profession that when the time comes, you serve a family that has experienced a death or your competitor does.
Growing your funeral Home is like planting an apple tree – the best time to do that was 20 years ago, the second best time is now.
Strategy & Marketing
Get the knowledge & expertise of a Chief Marketing Officer without the huge financial commitment to help plan the marketing strategy for your firm.
Boardroom Mastermind
Be part of like-minded funeral professionals to share ideas and be accountable to get tasks done to continually improve your firm.
Pick My Brain
Have a burning question or issue that you need to discuss or do you need to brainstorm with someone who isn’t biased?
Funeral Service Experts…
Share their thoughts, stories and leadership.