Mark Krause of Krause Funeral Homes in Milwaukee, WI, explains how their hospitality mindset separates his firm from the competition. Inteview by Funeral Consultant, Robin Heppell
ICCFA 2008
Funeral Catering and Receptions – Allen Dave
Allen Dave of Allen Dave Memorial Funeral Home, Houston, TX, shares how his wedding planning experience helps him offer receptions for his funeral home. By Robin Heppell.
Nevin Mann about Funeral and Cemetery Staff
Nevin Mann of West Laurel Hill Cemetery, Philadelphia, PA explains how his staff serves their client families. Interview by Funeral Consultant, Robin Heppell.
Joe Sehee on Green Burials
Joe Sehee of the Green Burial Council discusses the opportunity for funeral homes to embrace the new trend of Green Burial and Green Service offerings. Interview by Funeral Marketing Consultant, Robin Heppell. Rate the Joe Sehee on Green Burials video